I’ve been living with type 1 diabetes for over nine years now – through high school, college, dating, a few years of marriage, and so much more! I’m currently using the Tandem t:slim insulin pump and the Dexcom G5 CGM, but I’ve also had experience with insulin pens, a handful of different glucometers, the Freestyle Libre flash glucose meter, and the Animas Ping and Asante Snap insulin pumps.
I’m a recent desert transplant. After over twenty years of living in rural New York, I moved across the country to Las Vegas. Shortly after the move, I got my first CGM, and it’s provided me with an amazing tool to help take my blood sugar control and my understanding of my own body to a new level.
My husband is a wonderful source of support for me. We hike together on the weekends, and sometimes that means powering on ahead, and sometimes it involves stopping and waiting for my blood sugar to rise enough for us to continue safely. He’s also incredibly patient with the middle-of-the-night CGM alarms, the my-blood-sugar-is-low-and-I’m-cranky moments, and everything in between.
This blog is mostly going to be my personal experiences – my highs and lows and triumphs and frustrations. T1D involves so many unique challenges, and I want to share some of mine as I figure out what works for me and what doesn’t. Maybe some of my experiences can also help you.
I’ve still got so much to learn about balancing my blood sugars with every other part of my life, and it’s a challenge every day, but I’m loving the journey so far! I hope you’ll enjoy these snapshots from my chronically sweet life!